About Solid Creative.

From the heart of Reno, Nevada - we deliver digital marketing solutions for direct-to-consumer, manufacturing, and service businesses.

We Make It Simple.

At the intersection of clarity and surprise lies magic. This the point of the obvious, the direct, the powerful. This is the home of simple. Where all the clutter falls away. Where everything else becomes insignificant.

It’s amazing how quickly humans can forget this fact. We’re masters at cluttering up and piling on in our always-on-the-go society. However when we strip away this clutter and remove the unnecessary we unveil the power of simple. At Solid, we use this mantra in everything we do and it’s amazing what this can do for our clients.

We're Your Partners and Your Craftsmen.

So, you hire us. You share your hopes and aspirations with us. And then you trust us to use strategy, creativity and innovation to deliver the tools dreams are made of. Lastly, we show you how to put said tools to work for you, and finish with a handshake—preferably over a pint. We don’t just build websites, we solve business problems – and we do it while treating you like family. We firmly believe success comes when everyone feels invested and valued.

Who's In Charge Around Here.

Chris Gandolfo

Chris Gandolfo

A fifth generation Nevadan from a small desert town in the middle of, well, nowhere. He studied visual communication at the University of Idaho before landing a job for an innovative digital marketing agency in Reno. Opportunity later brought Chris to a few agencies and large corporations, helping round out his cutting edge digital experience and his business perspective. Since 2009, Chris has been his own man and over a cold pint, Solid Creative was born.